In 2001 the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Dr. Klaus Töpfer authorized Globetree “to run a children’s meeting place at the United Nations grounds in Nairobi, Kenya”. The inauguration took place the 21st of September the same year together with 250 children from six nations.
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan congratulated the Children: “In African village life, a tree can also have great spiritual meaning, and serve as a place where people gather to discuss issues of common concern. This tree on the grounds of the United Nations is now a place where you and your contemporaries can voice your dreams, concerns and suggestions for the future”.
The meeting place is around a large, beautiful acacia tree (Acacia xanthopholea), which we call the Children’s Meeting Place. The head of UNEP, Dr. Klaus Töpfer, officially presented the tree to the children of the world in September 2001.
Today, the tree at the UN is called for The Mother Tree, because many leaders in East Africa, South Africa and Sweden have been inspired to open their own Children’s Meeting Place – a tree near their city or municipal house to chat with children. The EU Commission in Brussels has also launched a Children’s Meeting Place at Berlaymont.
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