Help us give eduction to children in Kenya!
Your entire donation will reach the children
Bank: Danske Bank
Address: Norrmalmstorg 1, S-103 92 Stockholm, Sweden
Account nr: 1346 0127082
IBAN: SE21 1200 0000 0134 6012 7082
Or Paypal:
Your donation supports
term fees, books, uniforms, repair of schools, food, health care and rent for poor families
and a Christmas Party
Why is Globetree in Kenya?
Year 2000 Globetree got The Global Roll of Honour Award from UNEP (United Nations Environment Program). The year after Globetree was asked to lead the inauguration program for a global conference on the environment. 300 children and youth shared their concerns for the future with dance, songs, poetry, drama and visual arts. The program urged the leaders of the world to listen to children. After the program Globetree was asked to establish and run a Children’s Meeting Place at UN in Nairobi. Have a look at the film made by Rania and Elin, two secondary school students who joined the Study-tour 2015!

Two girls and their story
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