Kajsa Dahlström
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Ben van Brockhorst
1932 – 1998
1932 – 1998
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Sam Samuelsson
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Peroy Kirchner
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Actor /dancer
Mime artist
Mime artist
The Seventies
The GlobeTheatre starts 1970. Walking the world for three years in North- and South America, North- and West Africa, India and South East Asia is the main inspiration for the drama productions which are performed for children and adult audiences in Sweden. The GlobeTheatre is invited to cooperate with Sida (the Swedish International Development Authority), the Swedish Unicef-Committée and city libraries all over Sweden. The theme of cooperation is: Meeting over boundaries. The performances inspire the internationalisation of education. GlobeTheatre make follow up visits in 300 classrooms. In one classroom an 8 year old girl asks: – Do you really believe we have a future?

West Africa



The Eighties
Globetree is founded 1982 as a response to the question asked by the 8 year old girl: – Do you really believe we have a future? The GlobeTheatre is now one of many branches of the Globetree. The first Future Meeting event 1986 at Stockholm Concert Hall in Stockholm asks: – What is of life importance for the future? 600 children and young persons from all over the world respond to the question with drama, dance, poetry, visual art and songs. The Future Meeting is established as a recurrent event every second year. At the same time Globetree invite Swedish people to join Study Travels to Indonesia. Globetree also invites puppeteers and dancers from Java and Bali to be on tour in Sweden. The GlobeEye – the filming branch of Globetree – produces four documentaries. Actress Märta Velander joins the Globetree full time.
Märta Velander joined
Future Meeting 1986
Guest performances
Globe Eye

The Nineties
Vega af Bergkvara is a hull on shore north of Stockholm. The owner carry a dream of solo sailing around the world. During three years the hull is transformed from a wreck to a beautiful sailing ship and is ready for it’s assignment: To sail around the world for the Rights of the Child and Agenda 21. Hundreds of schools are prepared to follow the sailing via satellite communication. The grand project is stranded on the Canaries. Out of the deep disappointment comes the realisation; No one can sail for someone else. All of us must make our own and very personal voyage of life. – How do I unite what is important for me with what is important for you? The Future Vessel event at the Globe Arena becomes a magnificent manifestation when several thousands of children from around the word create a common vision for the future. They are also linked up on Internet. Astronauts, cosmonauts and indigenous people join the children and dialogue in the Roots and Space seminar.
Future Meetings every second year
Mälarens water in the world
Sailing around the world
Future Vessel Stockholm ’98

Globetree receives the Global Roll of Honour Award by the United Nations Environment Program and gets a unique assignment: to establish and run a Children’s Meeting Place on the ground of the United Nations in Nairobi, Kenya. The meeting place is a big, beautiful acacia tree where children and decision makers of the world meet and dialogue what is important for children. Many mayors are inspired to inaugurate a Children’s Meeting Place close to their City Halls. Partnership between cities and municipalities in Sweden and the Lake Victoria Region start. Study travels to Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda start in cooperation with Lake Victoria Region Local Authorities Cooperation (LVRLAC). We help the Children’s Garden to get started – a home and school for children living in the slums and in the streets. A Future Vessel is created at the main stage at the World Water Forum in The Hague year 2000. Two other big events are at the celebration of Stockholm 750 years and the First World Championship in Cooperation 2006 in Stockholm and the Second World Championship in Cooperation in Kampala, Uganda 2008.
World Water Forum 2000
Stockholm 750 years, Globe Arena 2002
World Championship in Cooperation 2006
World Championship in Cooperation in Kampala 2008

2010 –
The Study Tours to Kenya continues. Children and youth of Dandora share with us their special living conditions next to one of the biggest dump sites of Africa. Together with the children we write a script of My Life, a drama production on tour – from the very north to the very south of Sweden. A special cooperation start together with the Swedish KRIMINALVÅRDEN and female prisons. The female inmates suggest ideas for a sign board at the Children’s Meeting Place at UN, Nairobi. The suggestions inspire us to make the whole area around the tree a more visible and inspiring place. Globetree is asked by the energy company Telge Energi to invite children from 25 nations from all continents to participate in the Children’s Climate Conference in Södertälje. They all unite in a communique presentet at the main Climate Conference in Paris COP21 with the common urge: Act like a child! The children also participate in the GlobeDay and create three dimensional models how the area around the Children’s Meeting Place can be fun and exciting. All models are displayed in the Golden Room at Stockholm City Hall. One of the actors of My Life gets his friends together and create an NGO called Mtoto wa Dandora (the Children of Dandora). Their aim is to help venerable children and invite them for drama lessons.
Study tours to Kenya
Children’s Meeting Places
UN in Nairobi, Kenya
My Life / Child’s Life

Friends and partners
Children and youth
Teachers / Project leaders
Space explorers
Indigenours / Roots


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