Thank you for
The travel to the sea
which became
The travel to the animals

The Travel to the Sea – became the Travel to the Animals.
When I was about to turn 75 last year (in June) I was asked:
What do you want for your birthday?
I want everyone in Dandora, who has been on tour with My Life, their sisters/brothers,
and mothers/grandmothers to experience the SEA.
The Aga Khan school in Mombasa offered accommodation and help to prepare the food.
Some children in Dandora asked: – Can we see animals there?
The program is changing.
It will be a trip to Nakuru National Park instead.
We are 55 people who travel by bus and minibus to Nakuru.

On the way we stop at Lake Naivasha where 8 boats
are waiting and take us out to an island in the lake.

Signboards in place
Stone Circle
2 may 2023

Two signboards are now in place telling about the Stone Circle ONLY ONE EARTH.
One by Folke Bernadotte’s bridge, the other below the Museum of Ethnography.
International Children’s Day
21 November 2022
Guests of Honor
UNON Director General Ms.Zainab Hana Bangura
H.E. Ambassador of Iceland Ms. Thordis Sigurdardottir
Deputy High Commissioner of India Mr. Rohit Vadwana
Special Thanks
President of Iceland H.E. Mr. Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson
100, young and old, came together to plant the Child of the Mother Tree,
Inaugurate the 7 Stones Fireplace and listen to the first storytelling

It all started with children’s

Children from Dandora, Aga Khan International School and Children’s Environmental Rescue brought cups of water from places they care for. The water was poured into the calabash which contained water that have been united in ceremonies all over the world. When pouring the water the children shared their hopes, wishes and concern for their water.
Planting the Child Tree
“When the Mother Tree one day falls the Child Tree will take over…”
Seeds from the Mother Tree have been cared for at UNON nursery – the seeds have grown to tall seedlings. Time to plant the Child Tree.

Handful of soil from the Child Tree to the Mother Tree

After planting the Child Tree handful of soil was brought to the Mother Tree. A symbol of unity between the Child Tree and Mother Tree. By the Mother Tree we are Mamas and Papas. Mama Zainab, Mama Radhika and Mama Kajsa thanked the children and reflected on the ceremony.
7 Stones Fireplace
the space for storytelling
3 cooking stones and 4 stones from 4 directions of the world

The 7 Stones were placed around the stone from Backåkra, the home of Dag Hammarskjöld, the second UN Secretary General. The stone was donated to the Children’s Meeting Place.
3 Cooking Stones

The Stone from Mount Elgon presented by Dr. Takuba, former Deputy Mayor of Kampala City.

The stone of Kilimanjaro was presented by Maasai Leader Alois Porokwa.

The stone from Mount Kenya was presented by Mr. William Wambugu.
4 Stones from the 4 directions of the World

The Stone of the North, was personally presented, by the
President of Iceland Mr. Guðni Jóhannesson
before travelling to its destination at the 7 Stones Fireplace.
The First Fire

Maasai Elders Sisian Resian and Simon Maritet made the First Fire in their traditional way.
The First Story Telling

The first Storyteller at the 7 Stones Fireplace was Mama Zainab. She spoke of her upbringing in a small village in Sierra Leone where storytelling is an important part of life.
What has happened since 50 years?
The Stones Tell
A signboard
Ethnographic Museum October 23 2022
This year’s Globe Day is at Sten Cirkeln ONLY ONE EARTH and continues at the Ethnographic Museum.
We had four questions for the day:
How did Sweden’s government and the City of Stockholm plan for the first UN conference on the environment – which became an iconic conference?
What have the stones in the Stone Circle been through during their millions – billions of years?
How do stones tell?
How do we inform about Stone Circle? A signboard and QR code.
40 people participated. 35 at the Ethnographic Museum and 5 digitally.

Former Financial Citizens Council in the City of Stockholm t.v. and author/diplomat Jan Mårtensson t.h. started Globe-Day. Jan Mårtensson was commissioned by the government to plan for the first UN conference on the environment, which was given the theme ONLY ONE EARTH. He was given free rein: – Make sure the conference goes well! Mats Hulth remembers that the City of Stockholm saw the conference as a fantastic opportunity to put Stockholm on the map.
Questions: – How is it that there was vision and creativity in 1972 – that people all over the world still talk about – an iconic conference? And the UN summit 50 years later, barely noticed?

Geologist Åke Johansson, National Museum of Natural History showed with pictures and film sequences how the bedrock in Sweden was formed and moved across the globe – over billions of years… a fascinating base of facts to start from, when the 21 stones in the Stone Circle tell…

Mats Rehnman from Fabula Narrative Stage. How do you cook soup on a stone? Everyone contributes – everyone gives what they can and are capable of. A nice metaphor for how the stones in the Stone Circle can grow further. Mat’s told three stone stories.

The Globe-Day started vy the Stone Circle and ended with group discussions in two groups. A group discussed the SIGN – what should it look like and what should be on the sign? A group talked about the Stories of the Stones – how do we do it?
World Environment Day 5 June
Guests of Honor
Author/Diplomat – Mr. Jan Mårtensson
H.E. Ambassador of India – Mr.Tanmaya Lal
Park Manager Royal Djurgården – Mr. Gunnar Björkman
Director General at National Museums of World Culture – Ms. Ann Follin
Geologist The Swedish Museum of Natural History – Mr. Åke Johansson
Special Thanks – Astronaut Mr. Loren Acton
A block of stone from all 21 regions in Sweden forms the Stone Circle ONLY ONE EARTH by the Folke Bernadotte Bridge – next to the Ethnographic Museum.
The Sten Cirkeln is a place of remembrance for an important event in Sweden and the world 50 years ago: The first UN conference on the environment ONLY ONE EARTH, which the Swedish government took the initiative for in 1972.

On the same day, a Children’s Meeting Place was inaugurated on the Strömparterren by the Riksdag House. Afterwards, a parade started that went from the Strömparterren to the Ethnographic Museum.

Welcome to the Inauguration of the Stone Circle ONLY ONE EARTH
Folke Bernadotte Bridge next to the Ethnographic Museum
World Environment Day 5 June 16:00
Stones are on their way to the Stone Circle
The Program 5th June

Celebrating UNEP 50 Years – Children’s Meeting Place, UN, Nairobi
3rd March 2022

The Dag Hammarskjold Family donated a stone from the Peace Stone Circle of Backakra, the home of the second UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold who dedicated his life for Peace on Earth.

The Swedish Minister of Environment Annika Strandhall placed the Peace Stone on the roots of the Mother Tree at the Children’s Meeting Place together with Saga from Sweden and Zulu from Kenya.

A Silent Minute for Peace brought all hearts to Ukraine.

UNEP Deputy Director of the Governing Bodies Ulf Bjornholm gave a personal presentation of UNEP 50 Years 1972 – 2022.

Children living on and next to the Dandora Dumpsite presented an exhibition sharing their every day life with the message: REMOVE DANDORA DUMPSITE!

Dandora Dumpsite is situated 8 km from UNEP. It’s one of the biggest dumpsites of Africa. Children suffer from poisonous smoke and dumped chemicals moving into the nearby waters.

Students from Aga Khan International School of Nairobi presented arts all around the Children’s Meeting Place with messages of killed wildlife and suffering animals.

Saga presented the Children’s Meeting Place of Strangnas municipality of Sweden. How leaders ask children’s advice before they make major decisions.

Visitor Centre of United Nations, Nairobi guided the Minister and all other guests and told how the Children’s Meeting Place is planned to expand. My Promise for the Future were presented by children in small banners.

The 7 Stones Fireplace will be the place for Story Telling at the Children’s Meeting Place. The 3 Centre Stones from Mount Kenya, Kilimanjaro and Mount Elgon and the Stone of the West from Bolivia in the Andes were put in place.
The Children’s Meeting Place
November 2021

In November 12 schools and children’s groups of Sweden, Kenya and Uganda celebrated the 20 Years of the Children’s Meeting Place with artful messages from their own local Children’s Meeting Places. The art was exhibit in the branches, around the trunk and on the roots of the Mother Tree. The UN Security made and exception allowing 10 PCR tested children to enter. The children had prepared poems, dances and questions to the invited Guests of Honor; Ambassador of Sweden and Ambassador of France to Kenya, The Man of Trees of National Museums of Kenya and Youth representative of UNEP.

What is most important in life? Juan Pablo Celis Garcia from UNEP answered by dancing message.

The Swedish Ambassador Ms. Caroline Vicini and the French Ambassador Ms. Aline Kuster-Menager
CNN took contact with Globetree asking if Globetree will celebrate Earth Day the 10th of November. Thanks to CNN hundreds of children took action in Sweden, Kenya and Uganda making visual art with their messages and promises to the future. All art were packed in big bags and travelled with Mama Kajsa to Nairobi. Airport staff at Arlanda and Nairobi Airport supported “the travelling art bags”. At the end of the day CNN pointed out the children’s Art Presentations from their own local tree to the Mother Tree as the highlight of the Earth Day. All in Globetree were happy: The 20 Years of Children’s Meeting Place was celebrated together with hundreds of children and with 10 PCR tested children from Dandora and Aga Khan International School – who were allowed to enter the United Nations.
Children’s Meeting Place
20 year celebration
20 September 2021

A Birthday Cake for the Mother Tree

Children’s Meeting Place – 20 Years
We missed the children! To celebrate the Children’s Meeting Place without our hundreds of our young friends in the Lake Victoria Region – was a strange experience. Covid had closed the UN. Almost all worked from home. Children are not vaccinated – so – cannot enter.

Tour Guides Pierre and Mandy joined!

The Swedish Embassy got the second cake!
Our friends Pierre Menager and Mandy Danying, Tour Guides of the United Nations, joined by the Mother Tree. They were also longing for children to come – too long the UN has been closed. They brought flowers to the 20 years celebration.
Mr Helge Flard, Deputy Head of the Swedish Embassy in Kenya and Ms Frida Jangsten, Deputy Permanent Representative to UNEP enjoyed the 20 Years Birthday cake.
Developing the Children’s Meeting Place

The Stone Circle at Backåkra, Sweden

The Centre Stone at Backåkra, Sweden
The development of the Childrens Meeting Place will get it’s official start the 3rd of March at 2:30pm EAT.
A stone from the Peace Circle at the home of the Second UN Secretary General Dag Hammaskjold will be placed next to The Mother Tree. Here at the big, beautiful acacia tree children and leaders of the world meet and listen to children’s ideas, worries, and hopes for the future. The stone will be a reminder of the message of Dag Hammarskjöld: – Peace on Earth starts with Peace within each one of us.
The Swedish Minister of Environment Ms Annika Strandhäll will place the Peace Stone next to the Mother Tree together with children.
The program for the 3rd of March

Remove the Dandora Dumpsite!
An exhibition made by children living on and next to one of the biggest dumpsites in Africa.
See also messages and art made by children in Nairobi and Sweden.
You find the exhibition at the Children’s Meeting Place;
Go down the main stairs to the Fountain Area. Turn right and pass the VIP Garden.
UN and Children’s Meeting Place
February 2020
The plan for the expansion of the area around the Children’s Meeting Place received positive response from the UN!

Architects and landscapers from Sweden and Kenya worked together and presented a site plan inspired by children and youth from 30 nations. THANKS A LOT to Architects without Borders in Kenya and Disorder Company and the Municipality of Helsingborg in Sweden! We are now certain the inauguration will take place on the World Environment Day, 5th of June 2022 – when United Nations Environment (UNEP) celebrate 50 Years.

Kajsa listening to Mr. Stephen Stannah, UNON, suggesting a place for the Amphitheater – closer to the Mother Tree.

Architects and landscape designers in discussion before the presentation for UNON and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

Many at the UN became inspired and came up with additional ideas after the presentation. Children and young people from Dandora participated in the planning of the Children’s Meeting Place.
The party on February 23, 2020

For children in Dandora, the highlight of the year is THE BIG PARTY! This year the party took place at the Children’s Garden of the National Museums of Kenya. The night before someone called out: – The balloon blower is gone!!! No problem – all 23 Swedes participating in the Study-tour joined and had fun!

The DJ arrived in good time with a large music system. Dance Hall music welcomed the children as they streamed out of the buses. Suddenly we were 250 people – THE PARTY was on!

The party includes a lot of food, soft drinks, sweets, cakes, music, dance, games and gifts that Farsta Elementary School collect and donate!
The book about Dandora dumpsite
The photographer Thord Nilsson brought the book “Dandora” – blessing or curse? ” to the dump. Great joy when the persons in the book were presented to their contributions. Thord visited all his Dandora friends – many of them have passed away.

Home visits – An important part of the Study Tour is to visit the children who have been on tour in Sweden with the performances My Life and Child’s Life. We talk about urgent matters, school fees and how more children can get the opportunity to go to school.
Next Studytour – The four elements at UN in Nairobi

The theme for the next Study Tour to Kenya will be The Four Elements in cooperation with National Museums of Kenya (NMK). We have long time cooperation with NMK – a strong and firm hand to hold on to! We will gather the two last weeks of February 2020.
We invite architects, stone masons, artists/sculptures (who work in materials like glass, metal, clay, mosaics and all kind of recycled things), engineers and others who feel the call to join the planning process.
The last performance – after 49 years …

The 18th October at 6pm – 100 friends of Globetree came to see the very last performance produced by Globetheatre/Globetree. The very first tour was 1970 with the play Phantasy by 12-year old children in Sweden. Touring with drama performances – is such a big part of our lives… now over…
The last tour … 49 years on the road… it’s difficult to find the words… how we feel…
One day we will find the words – and share with you.
The book about Dandora – Blessing or curse?

After the last performance – after the applause – the photographer Thord Nilsson presented his book Dandora – blessing or curse? It’s a photo book – the short texts are in Swedish. For pictures, please look into thordnilssonfoto.
It’s about the everyday life in Dandora on top of and next to the huge dumpsite. Thord has joined several of Globetree’s study tours to Kenya and was been deeply touched meeting children and adults in Dandora. He also experienced how music, dance, drama and art inspire people to carry on – not give up. The book will later be translated into English. If you want the book – the photos speak for themselves – contact Thord:
Final tour in Sweden with My Life
18 September – 18 Oktober 2019

Globetheatre/Globetree final theatre production was with the play My Life performed by children and youth from Dandora, a place outside Nairobi where you find the biggest dumpsite of Africa. My Life is the children’s own story – their struggle for survival and how they keep the spirit up and move on despite unimaginable challenges. My Life has been on tour in Sweden with different actors since 2010. The final tour was four weeks from the very south of Sweden to the very north. – Don’t stop touring My Life – the performance touches the heart of everyone! Well, we are getting old. Beyond 70 years and we have a big assignment at the UN in Nairobi. We simply have to stop!

Working with Farsta has been very special. They have supported our work in Dandora for many years.
Inauguration of the Children’s Meeting Place in Motala
23 September 2019

A 12 year old girl named Sidra was the driving force to establish a Children’s Meeting Place in the residential area Ekön in Motala. The tree which was inaugurated in September is a chestnut tree and was giving her name – Didra – meaning tree! Under the chestnut tree the children on Ekön talk with the landlord company Platen how the area can become better for children.
Four elements of life at Nämdö
June-August 2019

In June and August we had activities for young pupils at the archipelago school Djurö and a school in in a socio economic poor area of Stockholm. The children continued the creation of the Four Elements of Life in the woods near the closed down school at Nämdö, an island in the Baltic Sea archipelago where Globetree has a working space. This summer the kids made houses for the trolls.
Inauguration of the Children’s Meeting Place in Lund
11 April 2019

During a theme week on Sustainability issues in April 2019, a new Childrens Meeting Place meeting place was opened in the park behind the City Library of Lund. Under a tree, children can meet politicians on the children’s terms to speak of something that is important in the UN’s Global Sustainable Development Goals and the Rights of the Child.
Closing Ceremony
Environmental Ministerial Meeting (UNEA 4)
Nairobi 15 March 2019

30 children participated in the Closing Ceremony.
The voices and messages from Dandora were loud and clear.
Water was then united from Oman, USA, Turkey, Australia and Dandora.
Future Vessel
Environmental Ministerial Meeting (UNEA 4)
Nairobi 12-14 March 2019

During the Conference many delegates visited the Future Vessel at the Mother Tree.
Sweden’s Minister for Environment and Climate
Meeting at the Future Vessel
13 March 2019

The Swedish Minister for Environment and Climate Isabella Lövin visited the Future Vessel.
Children from Dandora guided the minister around the Future Vessel and asked many questions.
Preparations for the Environmental Ministerial Meeting
10-14 March 2019

Yesterday and today at least 100 Dandora children made 300 beautiful letters to Mama and Papa Ministers and Mama and Papa United Nations. They will be given away on Tuesday at the Assembly meeting. Jack Obura’s association Mtoto wa Dandora was in charge for these two days in Dandora.
The Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs
Visit to the Children´s Meeting Place
5 March 2019 UN Nairobi

The Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Margot Wallström visited the Children’s Meeting Place at the UN and in specific the Mother Tree, talking to children and youth from Kenya, Sweden, Uganda, Tanzania, China and in specific the children from Dandora.
Building the Future Vessel at the National Museums of Kenya
26-27 February

While adults presented the partnership and programs between cities/municipalities in the Lake Victoria Region and Sweden, the children created the Future Vessel – a visual/artistic presentation of their personal views and collective ideas of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. Two full days and one night at the National Museum of Kenya.
Seminars at the National Museums of Kenya
26-27 February 2019

Many Swedish and East African municipalities and county councils gave lectures about their exchange experiences during the 26-27 February. This initiative was supported from the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy.
Opening Ceremony at the National Museums of Kenya
26 February 2019

Even representatives from indigenous groups joined the opening ceremony at the National Museums of Nairobi.
Party at the National Museums of Kenya
24 February 2019

100 children from Dandora joined us for the party.
To Nairobi – Prep Kick-Off Conference – February 2019
Kajsa Dahlström, president Globtree, traveled to Nairobi 2 – 15 December to prepare the conference – Kick-off to celebrate UNEP 50 year on World Environment Day on June 5, 2022. The Conference will be 26 – 28 February at the National Museums of Nairobi and at the Children’s Meeting Place UNON (United Nations, Nairobi).
This year Study Tour will be 21 February – 2 March including the Kick-off Conference and the Traditional Party together with children living in the poor areas of Dandora next to one of Africas’s biggest dump sites.
Do you want to join the Study Tour or the Conference? Let us know!
The Future Vessel
Children participating in the Conference will during two days create the Future Vessel during two days at the Central Museum. Then the Future Vessel will be moved to the Children’s Meeting Place at UNON (United Nations, Nairobi) where Executive Directors and staff of UNEP (United Nations Envirionment Program), UN Habitat and invited guests will be guided into the Future Vessel by the children.
The Future Vessel will be Globetree Side Event at UNEA 4 (United Nations Environment Assembly). UNEP invites ministers of environment for resolutions and dialogue on environmental issues every second year – this year is the fourth one. As an accredited NGO to UNEP Globetree can suggest side events at UNEA.
Closing Ceremony at UNEA 4
UNEP has asked Globetree to plan for the Closing Ceremony of UNEA 4. It is an honor to get this assignment and we will do our best to make the half an hour a memory for lifetime! Our plan is recall the beginning of UNEP – at the Stockholm Conference 1972 and move together with children for the future – to 2022. It’s our hope all ministers and ambassadors will join the children into the Future Vessel and share their personal dreams with one another. Many ideas are moving in the air – the 15thof March, the last day of UNEA 4, we will know!
International Children’s Day
21 November 2022
100, young and old, came together to plant the Child of the Mother Tree,
Inaugurate the 7 Stones Fireplace and listen to the first storytelling…

It all started with children’s

Children from Dandora, Aga Khan International School and Children’s Environmental Rescue brought cups of water from places they care for. The water was poured into the calabash which contained water that have been united in ceremonies all over the world. When pouring the water the children shared their hopes, wishes and concern for their water.
Planting the Child Tree
“When the Mother Tree one day falls the Child Tree will take over…”
Seeds from the Mother Tree have been cared for at UNON nursery – the seeds have grown to tall seedlings. Time to plant the Child Tree.

Handful of soil from the Child Tree to the Mother Tree

After planting the Child Tree handful of soil was brought to the Mother Tree. A symbol of unity between the Child Tree and Mother Tree. By the Mother Tree we are Mamas and Papas. Mama Zainab, Mama Radhika and Mama Kajsa thanked the children and reflected on the ceremony.
7 Stones Fireplace
the space for storytelling
3 cooking stones and 4 stones from 4 directions of the world

The 7 Stones were placed around the stone from Backåkra, the home of Dag Hammarskjöld, the second UN Secretary General. The stone was donated to the Children’s Meeting Place.
3 Cooking Stones

The Stone from Mount Elgon presented by Dr. Takuba, former Deputy Mayor of Kampala City.

The stone of Kilimanjaro was presented by Maasai Leader Alois Porokwa.

The stone from Mount Kenya was presented by Mr. William Wambugu.
4 Stones from the 4 directions of the World

The First Fire

Maasai Elders Sisian Resian and Simon Maritet made the First Fire in their traditional way.
The First Story Telling

The first Storyteller at the 7 Stones Fireplace was Mama Zainab. She spoke of her upbringing in a small village in Sierra Leone where storytelling is an important part of life.
What has happened since 50 years?
The Stones Tell
A signboard
Ethnographic Museum October 23 2022
This year’s Globe Day is at Sten Cirkeln ONLY ONE EARTH and continues at the Ethnographic Museum.
We had four questions for the day:
How did Sweden’s government and the City of Stockholm plan for the first UN conference on the environment – which became an iconic conference?
What have the stones in the Stone Circle been through during their millions – billions of years?
How do stones tell?
How do we inform about Stone Circle? A signboard and QR code.
40 people participated. 35 at the Ethnographic Museum and 5 digitally.

Former Financial Citizens Council in the City of Stockholm t.v. and author/diplomat Jan Mårtensson t.h. started Globe-Day. Jan Mårtensson was commissioned by the government to plan for the first UN conference on the environment, which was given the theme ONLY ONE EARTH. He was given free rein: – Make sure the conference goes well! Mats Hulth remembers that the City of Stockholm saw the conference as a fantastic opportunity to put Stockholm on the map.
Questions: – How is it that there was vision and creativity in 1972 – that people all over the world still talk about – an iconic conference? And the UN summit 50 years later, barely noticed?

Geologist Åke Johansson, National Museum of Natural History showed with pictures and film sequences how the bedrock in Sweden was formed and moved across the globe – over billions of years… a fascinating base of facts to start from, when the 21 stones in the Stone Circle tell…

Mats Rehnman from Fabula Narrative Stage. How do you cook soup on a stone? Everyone contributes – everyone gives what they can and are capable of. A nice metaphor for how the stones in the Stone Circle can grow further. Mat’s told three stone stories.

The Globe-Day started vy the Stone Circle and ended with group discussions in two groups. A group discussed the SIGN – what should it look like and what should be on the sign? A group talked about the Stories of the Stones – how do we do it?
Inauguration of the Stone Circle ONLY ONE EARTH
World Environment Day 5 June
A block of stone from all 21 regions in Sweden forms the Stone Circle ONLY ONE EARTH by the Folke Bernadotte Bridge – next to the Ethnographic Museum.
The Sten Cirkeln is a place of remembrance for an important event in Sweden and the world 50 years ago: The first UN conference on the environment ONLY ONE EARTH, which the Swedish government took the initiative for in 1972.

On the same day, a Children’s Meeting Place was inaugurated on the Strömparterren by the Riksdag House. Afterwards, a parade started that went from the Strömparterren to the Ethnographic Museum.

Welcome to the Inauguration of the Stone Circle ONLY ONE EARTH
Folke Bernadotte Bridge next to the Ethnographic Museum
World Environment Day 5 June 16:00
Stones are on their way to the Stone Circle
The Program 5th June

Celebrating UNEP 50 Years – Children’s Meeting Place, UN, Nairobi
3rd March 2022

The Dag Hammarskjold Family donated a stone from the Peace Stone Circle of Backakra, the home of the second UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold who dedicated his life for Peace on Earth.

The Swedish Minister of Environment Annika Strandhall placed the Peace Stone on the roots of the Mother Tree at the Children’s Meeting Place together with Saga from Sweden and Zulu from Kenya.

A Silent Minute for Peace brought all hearts to Ukraine.

UNEP Deputy Director of the Governing Bodies Ulf Bjornholm gave a personal presentation of UNEP 50 Years 1972 – 2022.

Children living on and next to the Dandora Dumpsite presented an exhibition sharing their every day life with the message: REMOVE DANDORA DUMPSITE!

Dandora Dumpsite is situated 8 km from UNEP. It’s one of the biggest dumpsites of Africa. Children suffer from poisonous smoke and dumped chemicals moving into the nearby waters.

Students from Aga Khan International School of Nairobi presented arts all around the Children’s Meeting Place with messages of killed wildlife and suffering animals.

Saga presented the Children’s Meeting Place of Strangnas municipality of Sweden. How leaders ask children’s advice before they make major decisions.

Visitor Centre of United Nations, Nairobi guided the Minister and all other guests and told how the Children’s Meeting Place is planned to expand. My Promise for the Future were presented by children in small banners.

The 7 Stones Fireplace will be the place for Story Telling at the Children’s Meeting Place. The 3 Centre Stones from Mount Kenya, Kilimanjaro and Mount Elgon and the Stone of the West from Bolivia in the Andes were put in place.
The Children’s Meeting Place
November 2021

In November 12 schools and children’s groups of Sweden, Kenya and Uganda celebrated the 20 Years of the Children’s Meeting Place with artful messages from their own local Children’s Meeting Places. The art was exhibit in the branches, around the trunk and on the roots of the Mother Tree. The UN Security made and exception allowing 10 PCR tested children to enter. The children had prepared poems, dances and questions to the invited Guests of Honor; Ambassador of Sweden and Ambassador of France to Kenya, The Man of Trees of National Museums of Kenya and Youth representative of UNEP.

What is most important in life? Juan Pablo Celis Garcia from UNEP answered by dancing message.

The Swedish Ambassador Ms. Caroline Vicini and the French Ambassador Ms. Aline Kuster-Menager
CNN took contact with Globetree asking if Globetree will celebrate Earth Day the 10th of November. Thanks to CNN hundreds of children took action in Sweden, Kenya and Uganda making visual art with their messages and promises to the future. All art were packed in big bags and travelled with Mama Kajsa to Nairobi. Airport staff at Arlanda and Nairobi Airport supported “the travelling art bags”. At the end of the day CNN pointed out the children’s Art Presentations from their own local tree to the Mother Tree as the highlight of the Earth Day. All in Globetree were happy: The 20 Years of Children’s Meeting Place was celebrated together with hundreds of children and with 10 PCR tested children from Dandora and Aga Khan International School – who were allowed to enter the United Nations.
Children’s Meeting Place
20 year celebration
20 September 2021

A Birthday Cake for the Mother Tree

Children’s Meeting Place – 20 Years
We missed the children! To celebrate the Children’s Meeting Place without our hundreds of our young friends in the Lake Victoria Region – was a strange experience. Covid had closed the UN. Almost all worked from home. Children are not vaccinated – so – cannot enter.

Tour Guides Pierre and Mandy joined!

The Swedish Embassy got the second cake!
Our friends Pierre Menager and Mandy Danying, Tour Guides of the United Nations, joined by the Mother Tree. They were also longing for children to come – too long the UN has been closed. They brought flowers to the 20 years celebration.
Mr Helge Flard, Deputy Head of the Swedish Embassy in Kenya and Ms Frida Jangsten, Deputy Permanent Representative to UNEP enjoyed the 20 Years Birthday cake.
Developing the Children’s Meeting Place

The Stone Circle at Backåkra, Sweden

The Centre Stone at Backåkra, Sweden
The development of the Childrens Meeting Place will get it’s official start the 3rd of March at 2:30pm EAT.
A stone from the Peace Circle at the home of the Second UN Secretary General Dag Hammaskjold will be placed next to The Mother Tree. Here at the big, beautiful acacia tree children and leaders of the world meet and listen to children’s ideas, worries, and hopes for the future. The stone will be a reminder of the message of Dag Hammarskjöld: – Peace on Earth starts with Peace within each one of us.
The Swedish Minister of Environment Ms Annika Strandhäll will place the Peace Stone next to the Mother Tree together with children.
The program for the 3rd of March

Remove the Dandora Dumpsite!
An exhibition made by children living on and next to one of the biggest dumpsites in Africa.
See also messages and art made by children in Nairobi and Sweden.
You find the exhibition at the Children’s Meeting Place;
Go down the main stairs to the Fountain Area. Turn right and pass the VIP Garden.
UN and Children’s Meeting Place
February 2020
The plan for the expansion of the area around the Children’s Meeting Place received positive response from the UN!

Architects and landscapers from Sweden and Kenya worked together and presented a site plan inspired by children and youth from 30 nations. THANKS A LOT to Architects without Borders in Kenya and Disorder Company and the Municipality of Helsingborg in Sweden! We are now certain the inauguration will take place on the World Environment Day, 5th of June 2022 – when United Nations Environment (UNEP) celebrate 50 Years.

Kajsa listening to Mr. Stephen Stannah, UNON, suggesting a place for the Amphitheater – closer to the Mother Tree.

Architects and landscape designers in discussion before the presentation for UNON and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

Many at the UN became inspired and came up with additional ideas after the presentation. Children and young people from Dandora participated in the planning of the Children’s Meeting Place.
The party on February 23, 2020

For children in Dandora, the highlight of the year is THE BIG PARTY! This year the party took place at the Children’s Garden of the National Museums of Kenya. The night before someone called out: – The balloon blower is gone!!! No problem – all 23 Swedes participating in the Study-tour joined and had fun!

The DJ arrived in good time with a large music system. Dance Hall music welcomed the children as they streamed out of the buses. Suddenly we were 250 people – THE PARTY was on!

The party includes a lot of food, soft drinks, sweets, cakes, music, dance, games and gifts that Farsta Elementary School collect and donate!
The book about Dandora dumpsite
The photographer Thord Nilsson brought the book “Dandora” – blessing or curse? ” to the dump. Great joy when the persons in the book were presented to their contributions. Thord visited all his Dandora friends – many of them have passed away.

Home visits – An important part of the Study Tour is to visit the children who have been on tour in Sweden with the performances My Life and Child’s Life. We talk about urgent matters, school fees and how more children can get the opportunity to go to school.
Next Studytour – The four elements at UN in Nairobi

The theme for the next Study Tour to Kenya will be The Four Elements in cooperation with National Museums of Kenya (NMK). We have long time cooperation with NMK – a strong and firm hand to hold on to! We will gather the two last weeks of February 2020.
We invite architects, stone masons, artists/sculptures (who work in materials like glass, metal, clay, mosaics and all kind of recycled things), engineers and others who feel the call to join the planning process.
The last performance – after 49 years …

The 18th October at 6pm – 100 friends of Globetree came to see the very last performance produced by Globetheatre/Globetree. The very first tour was 1970 with the play Phantasy by 12-year old children in Sweden. Touring with drama performances – is such a big part of our lives… now over…
The last tour … 49 years on the road… it’s difficult to find the words… how we feel…
One day we will find the words – and share with you.
The book about Dandora – Blessing or curse?

After the last performance – after the applause – the photographer Thord Nilsson presented his book Dandora – blessing or curse? It’s a photo book – the short texts are in Swedish. For pictures, please look into thordnilssonfoto.
It’s about the everyday life in Dandora on top of and next to the huge dumpsite. Thord has joined several of Globetree’s study tours to Kenya and was been deeply touched meeting children and adults in Dandora. He also experienced how music, dance, drama and art inspire people to carry on – not give up. The book will later be translated into English. If you want the book – the photos speak for themselves – contact Thord:
Final tour in Sweden with My Life
18 September – 18 Oktober 2019

Globetheatre/Globetree final theatre production was with the play My Life performed by children and youth from Dandora, a place outside Nairobi where you find the biggest dumpsite of Africa. My Life is the children’s own story – their struggle for survival and how they keep the spirit up and move on despite unimaginable challenges. My Life has been on tour in Sweden with different actors since 2010. The final tour was four weeks from the very south of Sweden to the very north. – Don’t stop touring My Life – the performance touches the heart of everyone! Well, we are getting old. Beyond 70 years and we have a big assignment at the UN in Nairobi. We simply have to stop!

Working with Farsta has been very special. They have supported our work in Dandora for many years.
Inauguration of the Children’s Meeting Place in Motala
23 September 2019

A 12 year old girl named Sidra was the driving force to establish a Children’s Meeting Place in the residential area Ekön in Motala. The tree which was inaugurated in September is a chestnut tree and was giving her name – Didra – meaning tree! Under the chestnut tree the children on Ekön talk with the landlord company Platen how the area can become better for children.
Four elements of life at Nämdö
June-August 2019

In June and August we had activities for young pupils at the archipelago school Djurö and a school in in a socio economic poor area of Stockholm. The children continued the creation of the Four Elements of Life in the woods near the closed down school at Nämdö, an island in the Baltic Sea archipelago where Globetree has a working space. This summer the kids made houses for the trolls.
Inauguration of the Children’s Meeting Place in Lund
11 April 2019

During a theme week on Sustainability issues in April 2019, a new Childrens Meeting Place meeting place was opened in the park behind the City Library of Lund. Under a tree, children can meet politicians on the children’s terms to speak of something that is important in the UN’s Global Sustainable Development Goals and the Rights of the Child.
Closing Ceremony
Environmental Ministerial Meeting (UNEA 4)
Nairobi 15 March 2019

30 children participated in the Closing Ceremony.
The voices and messages from Dandora were loud and clear.
Water was then united from Oman, USA, Turkey, Australia and Dandora.
Future Vessel
Environmental Ministerial Meeting (UNEA 4)
Nairobi 12-14 March 2019

During the Conference many delegates visited the Future Vessel at the Mother Tree.
Sweden’s Minister for Environment and Climate
Meeting at the Future Vessel
13 March 2019

The Swedish Minister for Environment and Climate Isabella Lövin visited the Future Vessel.
Children from Dandora guided the minister around the Future Vessel and asked many questions.
Preparations for the Environmental Ministerial Meeting
10-14 March 2019

Yesterday and today at least 100 Dandora children made 300 beautiful letters to Mama and Papa Ministers and Mama and Papa United Nations. They will be given away on Tuesday at the Assembly meeting. Jack Obura’s association Mtoto wa Dandora was in charge for these two days in Dandora.
The Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs
Visit to the Children´s Meeting Place
5 March 2019 UN Nairobi

The Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Margot Wallström visited the Children’s Meeting Place at the UN and in specific the Mother Tree, talking to children and youth from Kenya, Sweden, Uganda, Tanzania, China and in specific the children from Dandora.
Building the Future Vessel at the National Museums of Kenya
26-27 February

While adults presented the partnership and programs between cities/municipalities in the Lake Victoria Region and Sweden, the children created the Future Vessel – a visual/artistic presentation of their personal views and collective ideas of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. Two full days and one night at the National Museum of Kenya.
Seminars at the National Museums of Kenya
26-27 February 2019

Many Swedish and East African municipalities and county councils gave lectures about their exchange experiences during the 26-27 February. This initiative was supported from the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy.
Opening Ceremony at the National Museums of Kenya
26 February 2019

Even representatives from indigenous groups joined the opening ceremony at the National Museums of Nairobi.
Party at the National Museums of Kenya
24 February 2019

100 children from Dandora joined us for the party.
To Nairobi – Prep Kick-Off Conference – February 2019
Kajsa Dahlström, president Globtree, traveled to Nairobi 2 – 15 December to prepare the conference – Kick-off to celebrate UNEP 50 year on World Environment Day on June 5, 2022. The Conference will be 26 – 28 February at the National Museums of Nairobi and at the Children’s Meeting Place UNON (United Nations, Nairobi).
This year Study Tour will be 21 February – 2 March including the Kick-off Conference and the Traditional Party together with children living in the poor areas of Dandora next to one of Africas’s biggest dump sites.
Do you want to join the Study Tour or the Conference? Let us know!
The Future Vessel
Children participating in the Conference will during two days create the Future Vessel during two days at the Central Museum. Then the Future Vessel will be moved to the Children’s Meeting Place at UNON (United Nations, Nairobi) where Executive Directors and staff of UNEP (United Nations Envirionment Program), UN Habitat and invited guests will be guided into the Future Vessel by the children.
The Future Vessel will be Globetree Side Event at UNEA 4 (United Nations Environment Assembly). UNEP invites ministers of environment for resolutions and dialogue on environmental issues every second year – this year is the fourth one. As an accredited NGO to UNEP Globetree can suggest side events at UNEA.
Closing Ceremony at UNEA 4
UNEP has asked Globetree to plan for the Closing Ceremony of UNEA 4. It is an honor to get this assignment and we will do our best to make the half an hour a memory for lifetime! Our plan is recall the beginning of UNEP – at the Stockholm Conference 1972 and move together with children for the future – to 2022. It’s our hope all ministers and ambassadors will join the children into the Future Vessel and share their personal dreams with one another. Many ideas are moving in the air – the 15thof March, the last day of UNEA 4, we will know!
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