Eastafrican youth group on tour in Sweden 2003

<h6>Youth cooperation Lake Victoria - Baltic Sea</h6>

Youth cooperation Lake Victoria - Baltic Sea

Seven youth from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda on a 10-days tour in Sweden and participate in the conference Young Voices of the Baltic Sea. They form the Lake Victoria Children and Youth Network.

In May seven youths from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda came on a 10-days study-tour to Sweden. The tour was a follow-up of the Prep. Roots-Meeting in Kenya.

The aim of the tour was to establish new contacts and cooperation between schools and municipalities in Sweden and the Lake Victoria region.

The youth also participated in the conference Young Voices of the Baltic Sea organized by the City of Kalmar. The Study-tour ended at the Globetree by creating the Lake Victoria Children and Youth Network.

GT 2003 Östafrika Ungdomar youthtourinsweden06

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