Kajsa Dahlströms report from Kenya and Tanzania

Meeting at the Childrens Meeting Place, UN, Nairobi
November 2016
Six persons from UNEP, UN Habitat and UNON came together and discussed the Globetree suggestion to develop the area around the Children’s Tree on the grounds of the United Nations, Nairobi. All agreed: – Is’ a very good idea as UNON doesn’t have any open space meeting place. Next meeting will be in January. Hopefully the plans are then presented at the Executive level and we can start the work.


Mother Tree in Maasailand in Emboreet, Tanzania
Kajsa Dahlström: I gave a promise long ago to visit the Mother Tree in Emboreet in Maasailand. I came together with Jackson Obura. The woman group of Emboreet welcomed us, danced, sang and offered very nice lunch. It’s a beauty chock to see their clothes and handmade art around the neck, hands, feet and ears. I was given a traditional dress before we went to the Mother Tree to talk with children and the Elders. I brought Our Uniting Water which the Elders gave to the roots of the Mother Tree. Woman sang and the children embraced the tree.

Preparations for the next My Life Tour autumn 2017
In Dandora I met with 17 children who waited for me with a lot of expectations. All hoped to be chosen to be actors in the next tour of My Life and Child’s Life in Sweden. I had audition in a narrow space between a metal shag and a better built house. All were great actors – impossible to choose! Peroy and I will have new audition in January. A group photo is a must together with those who watched!


A new NGO Mtoto wa Dandora – Children in Dandora
Jackson Obura is the founder of the new NGO called Mtoto wa Dandora which means Children in Dandora. I met with the Board and members of the new organisation. They have great plans for the future! The ultimate plan is make other business of all what is today dumped on the dump site. At the moment they give lessons in drama, help children with home work and support orphan children. They also have cleaning days to get rid of all grabage in the streets. Most important now: To get a homepage and income. We discussed chicken business which can engage children in the area.

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