The Children’s Tree at the United Nations – A Children’s Wish
The Children’s Meeting Place is a Tree – Acacia Xanthopholea of the Mimosaceae family, known in English as the Fever Tree and in Kiswahili Mgunga. 250 children joined one another among the branches and around their Tree. They wrote and drew their wishes and messages for their new Meeting Place.
The children came from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Finland and Sweden. All the children brought a cup of water and a handful of earth to honor their new Meeting Place and they brought their visions, ideas, hopes, dreams and concerns for our common future. The day ended with music, songs and games.

Invigning Children's Meeting Place
The first Children's Meeting Place was inaugurated September 19 to 20, 2001 on the grounds of the United Nations, Nairobi, Kenya - Headquarters for the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and United Nations Habitat Program. The children and adults who participated in the inauguration of the Children's Meeting Place shared a strong determination to unite over all boundaries and celebrate Life and Light. The children’s concern was formulated in The Children’s Declaration.

Europa Kommission, Bryssel
Vice President of European Commission Ms Margot Wallström and Mr Franco Frattini officially inaugurated the Children’s Meeting Place with a Planetree (Platannus hybrid) at the Berlaymont Esplanade in conjunction with the European Forum for the Rights of the Child. - This tree will be a place to meet, talk, discuss and learn from one another. – Your ideas, concerns and visions are important to us!

Invigning Barnens Mötesplats i Stockholm
Den 8 maj blir den gamla eken på Borgargården i Stockholms Stadshus en Barnens Mötesplats - Children's Meeting Place - en plats för dialog mellan barn och beslutsfattare i Stockholm. Stadsdelen Enskede-Årsta invigde sin Barnens Mötesplats på Årstafältet.
The Tree will be a place to meet in respect, love and care and to learn from one another. The space under The Tree is a sacred place, where children shall feel secure and be free to express themselves without fear. Here the children will find a new extended family that cares for them. Under The Tree we are all mums, dads and kids – and we are all equal. The Tree will give space for traditional ways of sharing wisdom and knowledge, which has been ignored or forgotten in modern society.
Children will remind decision-makers that the decisions they are to make will affect the children and their future.
The Children’s Tree at the United Nations will be an inspiration for Cities, Municipalities and Villages all over the world to dedicate a strong and old tree to children at a central place where children, adults and decision-makers at all levels can meet and dialogue as a sign of unity.

Barnens Mötesplats, National Museums of Kenya
Ett träd på museiområdet valdes till Children's Tree (Ficus Tree). Den invigdes med Our Uniting Water and Soil Ceremony. Generaldirektören för National Museums of Kenya, Augustine Lomon'gin välkomnade alla barn och dignitärer till museet.

Invigningen i Kisumu
Barnens träd i Kisumu är en kinesisk Banyan (Ficus thonningii). Det trädet är en bra livsmiljö för fåglar eftersom fröna är så smakrika

Barnens träd nära Mwanza City Hall är en jakaranda (Jacaranda mimosifolia). Trädet ger botemedel mot malaria, magont och konstnärer använder den för sniderier. Barn och ungdomar från 17 skolor sjöng, dansade och trummade sin glädje över sitt träd som överlämnades av stadens borgmästare.

Barnens Mötesplats i Simanjiro, Tanzania
“Ficus-Natalensis (Oreteti) is a sacred tree for the Maasai society. It is a Monumental tree for the reason that the Spiritual rituals are performed under this tree.. Oreteti le-Emboreet is a holy place from time immemorial where generations of Iloibonok (Pl of Oloiboni) have undertaken ritualistic practices for the barren women to get children and for the alleviation of calamities. The council of Elders was consulted in order to allow the youth and children to convert Oreteti le-Emboreet into a Children's Meeting Place. The request was discussed by the elders and traditional Leaders for a long time with a lot of consultations to the most elderly men within the area. The request was deemed to be genuine and permission was granted in the light of protecting this tree.

CMP in Soweto, South Africa
More than 2000 children from 11 schools and centers prepared for the inauguration of the Children’s Meeting Place in Soweto. 500 of them gathered at Openheimer Park in Soweto for the ceremony. The Mayor of Soweto dedicated a tree called Olive Wood Tree (Olea Africana) to the children. The Tree will be a place where children and leaders will meet and dialogue. The Mayor of Soweto joined the inauguration ceremony together with The Swedish Minister for the Environment Ms. Lena Sommestad, The Swedish Ambassador of South Africa, Ms. Helena Nilsson and Mr. Theodore Oben who brought greetings from UNEP Dir. Gen. Klaus Töpfer.

Invigning i Kampala
Barnens mötesplats ligger i ett skyddat hörn intill stadshuset i Kampala. Alla ledamöterna i kommunfullmäktige var engagerade i att välja rätt träd.

Invigning i Mukono
Barnens träd i Mukono är en palmaralia (Schefflera actinophylla) intill Stadshuset. Traditionellt i Uganda så är palmaralian ett träd under vilket människor möts. Trädet ger bra skugga och skydd.

Barnens Mötesplats i Entebbe
Entebbes borgmästare Stephen Kabuye invigde en Children's Meeting Place nära Stadshuset i april 2003 . Bland trädets grenar delade barnen med sig av sina personliga problem och viktiga meddelanden till alla i Entebbes kommunfullmäktige.

Invigningen i Busia, Uganda
One very old and big Mutuba Tree (Ficus spp.) is the closest neighbor to the City Hall of Busia. That very prominent tree is now the Children’s Meeting Place. H.W. the Mayor of Busia Mr. Michael Mugeni told that the design for the New City Hall will be changed so that the Children’s Tree will be enclosed in the City Hall instead of cut down. The Mutuba Tree is a very special tree in Uganda. In the old times the bark of the Matuba Tree was used for shrouding corpses before burial and a twig of the tree was planted on the grave as a memory of the wisdom of the deceased.

Barnens Mötesplats i Lugazi
Detta otroligt vackra träd som kallas Flamboyant Purple Tree (Delonix regis) har utsetts av Lugazi stadsfullmäktige som den plats där barn och ungdomar samlas för att vädra sina åsikter och också diskutera med stadens beslutsfattare om det som barn och ungdomar anses bör göras för en bättre framtid

Barnens Mötesplats Borlänge 2002
I Liljekvistska parken i Borlänge står ett äppelträd (Malus baccata) som barnen själva har valt som sitt träd att vara Barnens mötesplats.

Barnens Mötesplats i Enskede/Årsta
Children and young people presented messages and thoughts for the future. The ash tree (Fraxinus excelsior L.) was decorated with messages. Two ribbons are tied together to symbolize cooperation between decision makers and children/youth. Director of Enskede-Årsta District Ms. Ulla Thorslund concluded the Inauguration with a speech; holding a Golden Key that she received at another meeting organized by Globetree. She said she would keep her promise then given; to listen to children and she promised to keep meetings at the ash tree, probably one in the autumn and one in spring.

Invigning Barnens Mötesplats
Kommer snart...

Barnens Mötesplats i Kalix
The Kalix Globetree/Children’s Meeting Place (Sweden) is situated right outside the “Galleria Kalix” which will open in September 2008. The place will be a central place for people in Kalix. Nearby is the bus station where people come and go from Kalix.
The tree is a Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia var. Fastigiate).

Barnens Mötesplats i Kalmar
The Children’s Meeting Place in Kalmar is right outside the Town Hall. In the beginning of June the Children’s Meeting Place in Kalmar was inaugurated in conjunction with a two-day youth conference. The chosen tree is a Dove tree (Davidia involucrata) placed in the inner court yard of the City Hall.
At the inauguration ceremony lots of banners, drawings and textiles with messages gave a colorful frame to the place of the tree. Mayor of Kalmar, Mr. Roland Karlsson was present and greetings came from Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya.

Barnens Mötesplats i Strängnäs
Två händer som möts blev den gemensamma symbolen för Framtidsskeppet och Barnens Mötesplats.
När Barnens mötesplats i Strängnäs invigdes byggde 100 barn ett Framtidsskepp på kulturhuset Multeum där det finns bibliotek, museum och utställningslokaler. Två Mayors (borgmästare) från Uganda deltog i invigningen Mayor i Mukono och Busia tillsammans med lärare och elever från Kenya.

Barnens Mötesplats i Sundsvall
The Children's Meeting Place of Sundsvall is a Linden tree (Tilia cordata) at the center of the city. It's situated in the main park Hedern. In conjunction of the inauguration ceremony an Oak Tree was planted on the school yard of Höglundaskolan!!!
The Children's Meeting Place is very well marked and an sign board tells of the importance of the Children's Meeting Place. A chest was created to be connected to the Children's Meeting Place where children put their suggestions and questions to the politicians of Sundsvall City Council. Children united water at the inauguration and the water has a central place in the City Hall.

CMP in Vantör, Sweden
The Children’s Meeting Place in Vantör City District was inaugurated in connection with the 1st World Championship in Cooperation 2006.Children, the Chairman of the District Council Mr. Magnus Dannquist and astronauts met under the tree (Vingnöt Tree - Pterocarya pterocarpa).
A second meeting, between the Chairman and the children, was held under the tree in August/September. There is a promise to put a plate with a description of the place under the tree. The tree is standing at Sandängen, a meadow where sheep are grazing. This meadow goes through two parts of the district, Högdalen and Bandhagen, and connect them. It is an open place and the tree is easily seen.

Barnens Mötesplats i Vimmerby
Astrid Lindgrens Sockerdrickaträd blir ett Globträd - en Barnens Mötesplats den 5 juni. Det beslutas att man varje år den 5 juni ska samlas vid Vimmerbys Globträd för samtal mellan barn och beslutsfattare.

Barnens Mötesplats i Värmdö
Barnens mötesplats i Värmdö kommun är en stor ek (Quercus robur) väl synlig på en kulle.
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