Celebrating UNEP 50 Years – Children’s Meeting Place, UN, Nairobi
3rd March 2022

The Dag Hammarskjold Family donated a stone from the Peace Stone Circle of Backakra, the home of the second UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold who dedicated his life for Peace on Earth.

The Swedish Minister of Environment Annika Strandhall placed the Peace Stone on the roots of the Mother Tree at the Children’s Meeting Place together with Saga from Sweden and Zulu from Kenya.

A Silent Minute for Peace brought all hearts to Ukraine.

UNEP Deputy Director of the Governing Bodies Ulf Bjornholm gave a personal presentation of UNEP 50 Years 1972 – 2022.

Children living on and next to the Dandora Dumpsite presented an exhibition sharing their every day life with the message: REMOVE DANDORA DUMPSITE!

Dandora Dumpsite is situated 8 km from UNEP. It’s one of the biggest dumpsites of Africa. Children suffer from poisonous smoke and dumped chemicals moving into the nearby waters.

Students from Aga Khan International School of Nairobi presented arts all around the Children’s Meeting Place with messages of killed wildlife and suffering animals.

Saga presented the Children’s Meeting Place of Strangnas municipality of Sweden. How leaders ask children’s advice before they make major decisions.

Visitor Centre of United Nations, Nairobi guided the Minister and all other guests and told how the Children’s Meeting Place is planned to expand. My Promise for the Future were presented by children in small banners.

The 7 Stones Fireplace will be the place for Story Telling at the Children’s Meeting Place. The 3 Centre Stones from Mount Kenya, Kilimanjaro and Mount Elgon and the Stone of the West from Bolivia in the Andes were put in place.
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