Children’s Meeting Place
20 years celebration
20 September 2021

A Birthday Cake for the Mother Tree

Children’s Meeting Place – 20 Years
We missed the children! To celebrate the Children’s Meeting Place without our hundreds of our young friends in the Lake Victoria Region – was a strange experience. Covid had closed the UN. Almost all worked from home. Children are not vaccinated – so – cannot enter.

Tour Guides Pierre and Mandy joined!

The Swedish Embassy got the second cake!
Our friends Pierre Menager and Mandy Danying, Tour Guides of the United Nations, joined by the Mother Tree. They were also longing for children to come – too long the UN has been closed. They brought flowers to the 20 years celebration.
Mr Helge Flard, Deputy Head of the Swedish Embassy in Kenya and Ms Frida Jangsten, Deputy Permanent Representative to UNEP enjoyed the 20 Years Birthday cake.
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