Developing the Children’s Meeting Place

The Stone Circle at Backåkra, Sweden

The Centre Stone at Backåkra, Sweden
The development of the Childrens Meeting Place will get it’s official start the 3rd of March at 2:30pm EAT.
A stone from the Peace Circle at the home of the Second UN Secretary General Dag Hammaskjold will be placed next to The Mother Tree. Here at the big, beautiful acacia tree children and leaders of the world meet and listen to children’s ideas, worries, and hopes for the future. The stone will be a reminder of the message of Dag Hammarskjöld: – Peace on Earth starts with Peace within each one of us.
The Swedish Minister of Environment Ms Annika Strandhäll will place the Peace Stone next to the Mother Tree together with children.
The program for the 3rd of March

Remove the Dandora Dumpsite!
an exhibition made by children living on and next to one of the biggest dumpsites in Africa.
See also messages and art made by children in Nairobi and Sweden.
You find the exhibition at the Children’s Meeting Place;
Go down the main stairs to the Fountain Area.Turn right and pass the VIP Garden.
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