
2008 Non Violence Award
Globetree received the Non Violence Award 2008. The Award was a response to the call of the United Nations: “A century for Culture and Peace and Non Violence for children of the Word”. At the closing ceremony the 30 November 2010 all laureates met and Globetree vision and work was highlighted in a book and the visual presentation at the Stockholm Cathedral – Storkyrkan.
2001 S:t Eriksmedal
S:t Erik’s Medal is the award of the City Council of Stockholm. The founder and president of Globetree was honoured the medal in a banquet at Stockholm City Hall.

2000 UNEP Global 500 Roll of Honour Award
Award in the Youth category “for outstanding contributions to the protection of the environment” was received by Kajsa Dahlström in Adelaide Australia on the World Environment Day 5 June.
Only 14 organisations in the world had at that time received the award in the Youth category.
1998 ASE-medaljen
Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, Soviet Union, designed the ASE medal for the Association of the Space Explorers. Alexei Leonov came together with 9 astronauts and cosmonauts to the Future Vessel Event in Stockholm.
After the Event the ASE medal was presented to Kajsa Dahlström by Alexei Leonov, president of Cosmonauts of the world (ASE Russia) and Jon Mc Bride president of astronauts(ASE USA).

1999 ECOSOC-status tilldelas Globträdet
This year Globetree becomes a NGO in Special Consultative Statues with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
1996 UN-DPI status
(Department of Public Information)

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